Thursday, 2 February 2012

Choice. Dammit...

Annoyingly I find myself in a situation where my old role at IBM is no longer viable and so I am back in the (internal) job market. Unfortunately this has happened at the precisely wrong time of the year - January - when the music has stopped and everyone has sat down. However I have three decent leads and at least one definite offer. That's the good news.

My job preferences are to do some of the following (in no order):
  1. Technical pre-sales, or at least customer contact.
  2. BPM (which frankly, I love!)
  3. Technically challenging and at the forefront of the technology wave.
  4. No long term projects requiring constant time away from home.
So I end up with the following situation.

Job #1: 3 and 4 with 3 being on the 'extreme' end.
Job #2: 2 and 3
Job #3: 1, 2, 3 and 4

#3 is the obvious one but I am not sure that I am either going to be offered it in the short term or at all due to issues beyond my control.

#2 is the most definite and has some good aspects to it but is returning to something I decided I didn't want to do several years ago.

#1 is actually a very interesting, challenging and would take me way out of the very comfortable zone I am in professionally but is in a technical area that I'm not so interested in.


So in the next week I am going to have to come to a decision. I get the feeling that the one I want won't become available in the time I have and so would have to choose between two suboptimal choices outside of that, even though both have their unique - and completely different - attractions.

Choice is not always a good thing...

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